A Morning in Legal Marketing: On The Edge Live #EdgeLegal | Network Marketing

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A Morning in Legal Marketing: On The Edge Live #EdgeLegal

In the second year of our sponsorship of the On The Edge ‘Marketing within the Legal Sector’ event in London we found ourselves back at One Moorgate Place to hear from a handful of top legal marketing leaders.

![On the edge][1]

With just under 100 legal marketing professionals attending, this event promised to be an interesting and informative morning. The round table format meant that the delegates were engaging with a wide range of different people.

First up was **Kent Valentine** from **Draw**. He discussed the importance of and ways to improve marketing's engagement with lawyers. At the top of the list was a suggestion that we should be more understanding of their working environment, more accepting of their ideas and then be seen as an enabler. The real focus was on letting technology drive change too.

**Michael Guiney** from **Kinstellar** talked about effective client communications. What is the objective of your communications? Are they targeted? And finally, always measure effectiveness. He encouraged the audience to engage with clients, ask what they want from your practice. He also encouraged the seminar to challenge Partners on what they want to achieve from their communications strategies.

**Connor Kinnear** at **Passle** talked about creating compelling content. He offered some really useful advice on structuring content such as asking questions in titles, keeping content timely, pitchy and to the point as well as authentic. We particularly liked the authenticity piece!

One of the biggest challenges is getting Partners to create content. He offered 4 top tips:

**- Make it easy. provide them with some content to start with for thought leadership.**

**- Understand and demonstrate the value to them.**

**- Feedback on who is reading their content, share stats and how the content has performed.**

**- Get partner buy in by explaining the value their written content brings to their clients.**

**Phillip Allen** from **Stephenson Harwood** talked about enhancing existing client relationships and cross selling. The key tips we took away for Marketing and BD professionals to create a client services plan included:

**- Creating smart objectives and bringing in accountability.**

**- Asking clients for feedback into relationship plans.**

**- Listening to clients to understand their world and the issues they are facing.**

**- Agreeing a plan from meetings with your client.**

**- Follow up on the services delivered.**

**- Get Partners to buy in and explain the benefits it can bring i.e. focusing on profitability on the account.**

**- Have a key client dash board on your intranet so you can keep a track on your plan.**

**Lance Sapsford** from **Ince & Co** offered his advice on how law firms can generate new business through knowledge , data and digital.

**Knowledge** - profile the benefit their legal knowledge brings to clients.

**Data** - Use CRM, web analytics and data platforms to combine data to create a more informed decision, not just a one focus approach.

**Digital** - Firms need to be more advanced in their digital thinking. they need to dominate long tail search strings, create more effective web sites, use online profiling and share more relevant thought leadership to drive people to their websites to drive business.

[1]: /media/1303/ote-event.jpg

Overall this was a brilliant morning and the feedback we received from delegates was exceptional.

If you attended this event please feel free to provide a comment below.

Dan Kondras is our Lead Professional Services Consultant servicing the marketing and business development market in London. Based in Holborn, Dan would be delighted to meet to discuss your next requirement.





In the second year of our sponsorship of the On The Edge ‘Marketing within the Legal Sector’ event in London we found ourselves back at One Moorgate Place to hear from a handful of top legal marketing leaders.

On the edge

With just under 100 legal marketing professionals attending, this event promised to be an interesting and informative morning. The round table format meant that the delegates were engaging with a wide range of different people.

First up was Kent Valentine from Draw. He discussed the importance of and ways to improve marketing's engagement with lawyers. At the top of the list was a suggestion that we should be more understanding of their working environment, more accepting of their ideas and then be seen as an enabler. The real focus was on letting technology drive change too.

Michael Guiney from Kinstellar talked about effective client communications. What is the objective of your communications? Are they targeted? And finally, always measure effectiveness. He encouraged the audience to engage with clients, ask what they want from your practice. He also encouraged the seminar to challenge Partners on what they want to achieve from their communications strategies.

Connor Kinnear at Passle talked about creating compelling content. He offered some really useful advice on structuring content such as asking questions in titles, keeping content timely, pitchy and to the point as well as authentic. We particularly liked the authenticity piece!

One of the biggest challenges is getting Partners to create content. He offered 4 top tips:

- Make it easy. provide them with some content to start with for thought leadership.

- Understand and demonstrate the value to them.

- Feedback on who is reading their content, share stats and how the content has performed.

- Get partner buy in by explaining the value their written content brings to their clients.

Phillip Allen from Stephenson Harwood talked about enhancing existing client relationships and cross selling. The key tips we took away for Marketing and BD professionals to create a client services plan included:

- Creating smart objectives and bringing in accountability.

- Asking clients for feedback into relationship plans.

- Listening to clients to understand their world and the issues they are facing.

- Agreeing a plan from meetings with your client.

- Follow up on the services delivered.

- Get Partners to buy in and explain the benefits it can bring i.e. focusing on profitability on the account.

- Have a key client dash board on your intranet so you can keep a track on your plan.

Lance Sapsford from Ince & Co offered his advice on how law firms can generate new business through knowledge , data and digital.

Knowledge - profile the benefit their legal knowledge brings to clients.

Data - Use CRM, web analytics and data platforms to combine data to create a more informed decision, not just a one focus approach.

Digital - Firms need to be more advanced in their digital thinking. they need to dominate long tail search strings, create more effective web sites, use online profiling and share more relevant thought leadership to drive people to their websites to drive business.

Overall this was a brilliant morning and the feedback we received from delegates was exceptional.

If you attended this event please feel free to provide a comment below.

Dan Kondras is our Lead Professional Services Consultant servicing the marketing and business development market in London. Based in Holborn, Dan would be delighted to meet to discuss your next requirement.


Dan started his career in marketing and then moved in to recruitment in Leeds before taking the big step south to conquer the London market. After spending his youth on the rough streets of the North you're now more likely to find him in the City in meetings with the worlds leading legal and accountancy firms. Never forgetting his roots, he checks up on the Leeds United results every week and will be ensuring his young son grows up to support the Mighty Whites regardless of where they live!