England's World Cup Exit - Winners and Losers | Network Marketing

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England's World Cup Exit - Winners and Losers

As an avid football fan and feeling deeply emotionally scarred by England's ignominious exit at the hands of Germany, I thought I'd look in to what impact exiting the world cup would have on commerce and industry. With 30million plus people watching the match yesterday the major sponsors must have been desperate for England to go through.  Whilst commercially they may have calculated a return on their commercial investment based on us getting through to the last 8, they would surely have been hoping for something better, not worse. This Telegraph article talks about the subject from many different angles.  One that particularly hits home is relating to our beleagured pub industry.  Our local - The Boot and Shoe in Barkston Ash took more money during the 3 hours of the first game than they did during the whole evening of New Years Eve - a mammoth 10 hour stretch! Inevitably pubs are going to significantly lose out, as is the food retail industry in general. Those breathing more of a sigh of relief will be the non food retailers, particularly clothes shops who I am sure have seen a significant downturn in business during the games when everyone is glued to their tv's. And finally employers - I'm on the fence on this one.  We don't have any problems with absenteeism at Network Marketing but there are apparently a lot of businesses that do.  The flip side to this is that people come in to work with a common enthusiasm and a bit of the old adage 'those that play together stay together' seems to rub off.  Certainly in our environment where we make a number of calls to people we want to build relationships with, Englands success, or lack of it, has made for a useful discussion topic! Overall, whilst we are desperately disappointed about England's exit from the World Cup, the overall balance of impact will probably be negligible. We now have Andy Murray to look forward to - all of which is on the BBC and not on ITV - we wouldn't want to miss his final ace for victory because of an ill timed ad break, now would we! Jonathan Hirst blogs for fun. He is MD of Network Marketing recruitment consultancy and The Book, a pure creative recruitment business.


From setting up Network Marketing in 1996 Jonathan has been a regular on the marketing scene across the North. Being heavily involved in recruitment at the outset he spends more time now meeting potential clients and helping grow the business for the team. Being split across the Leeds, Manchester and London offices gives him the opportunity to spread the gospel according to Network Marketing! And he's really not as old as this makes him sound...