Network Marketing In The Community PLUS QR Code | Network Marketing

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Network Marketing In The Community PLUS QR Code

Well, never ones to be left behind in the world of technology, the team at Network Marketing Towers have put their substantial marketing weight behind the fantastic work for Barkston in Bloom - AND we've put a QR Code on it! Let me explain.  I'll try and be succinct! The lovely village of Barkston Ash was once a windswept, overgrown, leaf-strewn outpost on the edge of North Yorkshire.  Then some lovely people came along and decided to spruce it up a bit and maybe even plant some flower beds.  The locals said "It'll never work.  

We're too exposed and t'grounds not right!". Not to be put off the good people of Barkston Ash Parish Council set up Barkston in Bloom and a whole new world was born.  Beds were marked out, dug and fertilized.  And then, plants were planted. Funding was key and initially local businesses were courted and duly came up with the readies as there was very little cash surplus in the already stretched Barkston Ash Parish Council coffers. So - the most recent sponsors are our good selves, Network Marketing. We've committed to a year but may be persuaded to continue with this prime outdoor advertising space on an ongoing basis depending on the ROI. Here's the bit you've been waiting for - the QR code.  Well, the location is on the route of many ramblers and there are many events in the village that attracts 'outsiders'. We thought, let's make it easy for people to engage with us, rather than having to type in the url so we've stuck a QR code on the Ad.  A good use of the technology?  Well we'll see.  The QR code sends them a specific landing page and we'll be tracking the responses on google analytics. Ok - so it's not going to change the world but will it generate click through that we wouldn't previously have had (other than by our mates...)? And on that subject - here's a lovely picture of the ad being modelled by Martin O'Toole of McGrath O'Toole.

I wonder if he clicked the Code.......


From setting up Network Marketing in 1996 Jonathan has been a regular on the marketing scene across the North. Being heavily involved in recruitment at the outset he spends more time now meeting potential clients and helping grow the business for the team. Being split across the Leeds, Manchester and London offices gives him the opportunity to spread the gospel according to Network Marketing! And he's really not as old as this makes him sound...