Three promotions at Network Marketing & The Book | Network Marketing

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Three promotions at Network Marketing & The Book

We are delighted to announce the promotions of three of our rising stars!

Rhys Thomas and Livvy Moore from the Leeds office and Hayley Murphy from Manchester have all been promoted within the last couple of weeks. Promotions in recruitment aren’t easy to come by and these three have over achieved in all areas of customer care, team working and recruitment activity.

What we’re particularly proud of is that all three have come through a trainee route, whether through our graduate program, formal government apprenticeship or through a traineeship. The three started at Network Marketing with no prior recruitment experience and are proving themselves to be the brightest stars of the future.

Rhys is our professional and financial services specialist consultant in Leeds, Livvy, whilst soon to be based out of our London office, is currently our retail marketing specialist, and Hayley Murphy is our creative specialist for the north west.

The Network Marketing Group prides itself on providing top-class training on the job and through our structured external training programmes to all of our consultants, allowing for continuous personal development and up-to-date industry insight. In line with our ethos and strapline, this ensures that it is indeed “Recruitment, Done Properly”; we really do practice what we preach.

Jonathan Hirst, Network Marketing Managing Director, says “Whilst all promotions are exciting and well worth celebrating, what’s really pleasing about Hayley, Rhys and Livvy is that they have come through our training programmes. We’re in a tough, sales based industry, however all three have a really great way of dealing with people that means it’s a pleasure to do business with them. Their client and candidate satisfaction scores have been off the scale. Not only are we proud of them, they should be proud of themselves."


Lynne is our marketing manager and has worked in communications for more than 10 years. A proud Dub, (*Dublin, Ireland*), she has lived in the UK for over 6 years with most of this time spent living in sunny Brighton. New to Leeds, she is learning the Yorkshire way, although it is not diluting her accent at all. She talks about all things Network Marketing and The Book Recruitment, a lot, and via many channels!