Top ten interview tips | Network Marketing

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Top ten interview tips

You’ve reached interview stage, firstly congratulations! Secondly, it’s perfectly natural to feel nervous in the run up to your interview; it’s how you funnel the energy that counts.

We’ve pulled together our top tips to help you reach the very best of your potential; helping even the most inexperienced of interviewees to shine. While some of these may seem very obvious, you would be surprised at some of interview scenarios we have experienced.

Do your research / homework – there is no excuse these days for a lack of preparation in this area. Extensive online research is essential regarding the company, its competitors and the interviewers. 20 years ago we had to go to a library to do this – now you can do it on your phone!

Dress for success - as a general rule of thumb, it’s better to be overdressed than under. If in any doubt ask your contact at Network Marketing, they’ll know their clients inside out.

Common questions - consider the questions that you’re most likely to be asked on the day and prepare your answers. Most of your clues will come from the job description. Think about scenarios you can describe – tell the story of a project you’ve been involved with – plan it through so you’re prepared, no awkward silences!

Give yourself time – whilst it’s not always possible, it’s best to allow yourself plenty of time to get to the interview so you’re not rushing or stressing, arriving in a panic. Arrive 15 minutes before, sit in the car park for 10 and prepare, get to reception circa 5 minutes early.

Don’t forget to smile – smiles cost nothing yet are priceless. No matter how nervous you are, don’t forget to smile, it shows you are an approachable, friendly and relaxed individual – even though that may not be how you are feeling on the inside at all!

The eyes have it - make eye contact while you are speaking with and listening to your interviewer, not doing so can make you look uninterested, unfriendly and / or unconfident.

Breathe – ensure you take slow, deep and cleansing breaths (in through your nose and out through your mouth), helping to ease the tension you may well be feeling on interview day.

Body talk – body language speaks volumes. Ensure you sit up straight, with relaxed shoulders and hands, facing your interviewer. Fake the confidence you may not be feeling at that moment in time – you will honestly start to feel more confident as a result.

Question time – saying you have nothing to ask at the interview can make you look as though you are not totally engaged so have a think of some possible questions you could ask ahead of time. There is always something to ask…

Ending on a positive – always finish on a positive note, even something as simple as ‘I look forward to hearing from you’ is a good way to finish up and leave a positive lasting impression. A slightly more ballsy approach would be to ask when you might hear if you’ve been successful!

Remember – there may be some stumbles on the way; you may not be entirely happy that you gave a perfect answer or perhaps there was a question along the way that stumped you, but try not to let it knock your confidence. You may still have shone, others may have been equally if not more stumped, or a number of other possibilities…all is not lost!

We will leave you on this note – good luck!




Lynne is our marketing manager and has worked in communications for more than 10 years. A proud Dub, (*Dublin, Ireland*), she has lived in the UK for over 6 years with most of this time spent living in sunny Brighton. New to Leeds, she is learning the Yorkshire way, although it is not diluting her accent at all. She talks about all things Network Marketing and The Book Recruitment, a lot, and via many channels!