What's the ROI of Your Mother? | Network Marketing

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What's the ROI of Your Mother?

It's no secret that the digital age is constantly evolving. We can do everything from order our weekly shopping on mobile to watch the latest blockbuster movies on our tablets. These huge developments in the digital world have turned marketing upside down with global brands seeking the help of specialist agencies to spread their message online. With over 3 billion active internet users and 1.6 billion active social media accounts, can businesses afford not to throw digital into their marketing arsenal? But how can agencies persuade clients (or how do clients persuade themselves) that digital and more specifically social media marketing is the future? The answer? ROI. Yes, return on investment - that essential justification of any Op-ex of course! Gary Vaynerchuk , arguably the leading pro-ponent and expert in this field had the challenge of explaining ROI from social media to an apparently feisty CMO. This was the result. (parental advisory...). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwZT4qg0d-A "Over here, click, in 6th grade..." Love it. Hope you enjoyed it.


From setting up Network Marketing in 1996 Jonathan has been a regular on the marketing scene across the North. Being heavily involved in recruitment at the outset he spends more time now meeting potential clients and helping grow the business for the team. Being split across the Leeds, Manchester and London offices gives him the opportunity to spread the gospel according to Network Marketing! And he's really not as old as this makes him sound...